Code of Conduct

Updated 2024-01-17

It is the responsibility of everyone attending Motor City Swing to do their part in creating a social dance community that is safe, inclusive, and respectful.

1. Safe Community

  1. No harassment: MCS is not a pick-up joint. Comments or behaviors that make others feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or unwelcome are not tolerated. Touching any other person without their explicit, continued consent is not tolerated.
  2. Be conscientious on the social dance floor: Use your full range of senses to avoid collisions and injuries.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly when you arrive at the dance, before you leave, after using the restroom, and periodically throughout the event. And if you are sick, or think you might be sick, stay home.
  4. No scented products such as perfumes, colognes, and strongly scented deodorants.
  5. Aerials, lifts, floor spins, and other high-risk moves are not permitted at any MCS event unless the event has been explicitly defined by the board, in advance, to permit aerials with proper safety precautions — and never on the social dance floor.
  6. All attendees must follow our COVID-19 Policy at all times.

2. Inclusive Community

  1. Motor City Swing is for everyone, regardless of race, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, religion, or any other quality. Discrimination of any kind is not tolerated.
  2. When discussing sensitive topics, be aware and respectful of those around you. Did everyone within hearing consent to participating in a conversation that may make the environment feel unwelcoming to members of marginalized groups?
  3. Be aware that dance role and gender are different. Use non-gendered language (i.e. lead and follow) when discussing dance roles, and don’t use dance role terms to refer to gender.

3. Respectful Community

  1. Respect your fellow dancers by following appropriate social dance etiquette.*
  2. Respect Black people and Black culture: Not only is it the right thing to do generally, but most of the dances we do at MCS originated in the Black community.
  3. Respect the identity, including gender identity and expression, of everyone at MCS. When referring to any person, use their correct pronouns (this means the ones they prefer, not the ones others prefer for them).
  4. Respect the venue by following all rules that the venue has established (such as no street shoes on the dance floor, no alcohol, etc.)

This Code of Conduct constitutes rules, not guidelines. The Motor City Swing board will enforce these rules as necessary to maintain a safe, inclusive, respectful community. For more information, see our Safer Spaces policy.

*If you’d like more information on general dancer etiquette, please check out this handy guide from Swungover.